Tuesday, December 14, 2010


An escape from the life's morose drone
it's a treasure that none can clone
the gateway to happiness it opens wide
you wont be alone in it's stride
Such is the joy of friendship!

The mellifluous laughter and shared smiles
multiply the joy a million times
life's numerous temptations and it's killing pace
all is borne as far as friendship stays
Such is the joy of friendship!

The magic that soothes an ailing soul
the feeling that makes each one of us whole
it's music in the midst of life's cacophony
replacing every hurt with Ecstasy
Such is the joy of friendship!

No matter what dreams and lessons life brings
or what new bonds time brings
friends' hearts always keep up with life's pace
the love and joy none can replace
To all my friends that make my life complete
this is an ode to thee.
The joy of friendship!

-------TO ALL MY FRIENDS - THANKS FOR BEING THERE-------------------



surabhi said...

hey thats beautiful buddy!!! just as the older days... hey btw u appeared in my dream day before!! it was so real .... like u were actually there in front of me... felt damn good to "see" u ;)

SANDY said...

A single rose can be my garden... a single friend, my world.