Friday, December 16, 2011


The earth has music for those who listen - William Shakespeare

The inspiration for this is really something that I saw while driving from Louisville to Chicago 2 weeks ago. It was pitch dark and very close to midnight when I (half dead and half asleep) saw this huge windmill field just over an hour from Chicago. Suddenly out of the blue (or well black of the night!)these red lights were flashing in tandem left, right and as far down as I could see. Everytime a windmill made a turn , there it was the bright red flash . It really has to be seen to understand what I mean > when for almost 6 miles this majestic sight lasted. Really made me wonder about all the awesomeness that man creates.
Talking about awesomeness, it is really everywhere if one chooses to see. The beautiful creek in my apartment complex, the pat on the back from an old patient, the excited wag of my dog's tail, getting an experiment right in the lab, my mom in law's text reminders that she loves me and not to forget my husband's most amazing paneer dishes....the list really goes on.
Thank you God for all the awesomeness. I pray I can see this all the time :)